Marine Wildlife Visitor Services Internship: Oregon

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bandon Oregon
Job Category
Stipend $1,200 per month
Start Date
Last Date to Apply
Term of Service: Approximately April 15, 2017 through September 15, 2017 (5 months). DUE TO FUNDING SOURCE RESTRICTIONS, WE CAN ONLY ACCEPT APPLICANTS BORN AFTER APRIL 1, 1992 (AGE 25 OR YOUNGER). 

The Visitor Services Intern will work with the refuge manager and the visitor services manager for the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex to communicate with the general public through outreach, natural resource interpretation and social media. This is a full-time internship requiring a 40-hour work week. The intern will be responsible for providing interpretation for visitors on the seabirds and marine mammals at Coquille Point, Simpson Reef and other locations on the south coast of Oregon. The intern will also help supervise and schedule refuge volunteer work. 

General Responsibilities (to include, but not limited to): 
• Assist with communication, outreach and marketing for the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex through a variety of media. 
• Assist with social networking efforts for the Refuge Complex. 
• Attend coastal fairs, celebrations and events to promote the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 
• Assist Shoreline Education for Awareness with the development of natural resource interpretation programs. 
• Develop monthly work schedules for refuge volunteers and work cooperatively alongside refuge volunteers. 
• Provide interpretation on the seabirds and marine mammals of Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge using binoculars, field guides, spotting scopes, and portable signs. 
• Deliver evening campground programs for campers at Bullards Beach, Sunset Bay State Park, and Coquille River RV park on the subject of seabirds or marine mammals on a bi-weekly basis. 
• Speak with visitors about the purpose of the wildlife refuge, answer their wildlife and refuge related questions, and identify wildlife. 
• Assist the Refuge Manager as needed with field tasks including nesting seabird observations, mosquito monitoring, and invasive plant mapping and removal. 
• Assist with providing educational and interpretive programs for local schools. 
• Help protect wildlife and ensure visitor safety by informing visitors of potential safety hazards and attempting to correct minor infractions through interpretation. Document illegal visits or trespass into closed areas. Interns shall not engage in law enforcement.

Internship Requirements (you must have all of these to qualify): 
• Bachelor’s Degree, or higher. Preferably in the field of natural resources or interpretation. 
• U.S. citizen, national or lawful permanent resident. 
• Possession of a valid driver’s license. 
• Ability and willingness to spend the majority of the workday outdoors. 
• Experience conducting natural resource interpretation for the general public. 
• Willingness to work a flexible schedule, including weekends, evenings, and limited overnight travel. 

Preferred Qualifications (these are not required to qualify for the position) 
• Familiarity with marine and estuarine ecosystems. 
• Strong inter-personal communication skills. 
• Experience working with the media (press releases, interviews) including social media. 
• Motivated, energetic and detail-oriented. 

Intern Benefits Include: 
• A taxable, monthly living allowance of $1,200. 
• Upon successful completion of the term of service, an award of $1,200. 
• Professional development, training, and networking opportunities. 
• Free housing at Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge including utilities. Intern will have private bedroom, with ample shared kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and living space, wi-fi, and TV with DVD player (no cable). Sorry, no pets allowed. 

Transportation Information: 
• Government vehicle is available for official work duties only. 
• Intern is responsible for personal transportation needs. 

Questions about the position? Contact: 

Dawn Harris 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
Visitor Services Manager 
2127 SE Marine Science Drive 
Newport OR 97391 

Application Process: 
Send letter of interest, resume (email with attachments preferred), and contact information for three references to Dawn Harris by March15, 2017. 

Additional information about Bandon Marsh NWR and the Oregon Coast NWR Complex:

Contact Person
Dawn Harris
Contact Phone
Contact eMail