UW Environmental Career Fair

Open to all UW students and alumni, the Environmental Career Fair is an opportunity to explore careers in environmental and natural resources fields. The Environmental Career Fair features employers from the nonprofit, government and private sectors with career-level positions and internships. Questions about the career fair can be sent to envjobs@uw.edu.

The UW Environmental Career Fair at Mary Gates Hall.

Kelly Knickerbocker
The UW Environmental Career Fair at Mary Gates Hall.

2018 UW Environmental Career Fair

The Environmental Career Fair will be held on February 21, 2018, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Mary Gates Hall Commons.

Employers Attending 2018 UW Environmental Career Fair


Employer and student feedback

  • “I thought it was a great event and worth the trip to Seattle!”
  • “Great fair, great employers!”
  • “I think the career fair is really helpful to talk to different people and see what is going on in different job fields.”
  • “I thought the variety of exhibitors was fantastic and offered a diverse group for students to meet with.”
  • “I spoke with my current employer at last year’s Environmental Career Fair. The conversation I had encouraged me to apply for a position, and it ended up being the company I did my senior capstone with! I’m still with the company a year later and have been promoted to a senior leadership position.”
  • “Employers are there to find the talent at UW, so take a chance! Additionally, I took part in one of the career workshops during the career fair week and happened to connect with another employee at my company, which was an extra push into this line of work.”


Tips for students for career fair success

“Show initiative and do your background research. That’ll make you stand out right off the bat. Instead of “Do you have any openings?” or “What do you do?”, aim for more of a dialogue.” — Preston Martin, NewFields

  • Do your research — review the employer’s website before the career fair so your questions are specific.
  • Dress professionally — first impressions are important.
  • Introduce yourself — work on your brief elevator pitch and tell them what skills, education and experience you have. Be specific about how these skills relate to the organization or position that you are pursuing.
  • Leave them with something — provide them with your resume and contact information.
  • Follow up — ask for a business card or contact information and follow-up with employers after the fair to thank them for their time and remind them of your interest.
  • For even more tips for career fair success and other job search tips, visit the UW Career Center.
  • Get more insight for early career success from representatives who attended the UW Environmental Career Fair in previous years.

Attend a “Career Fair Success” workshop hosted by the UW Career & Internship Center:

Information for employers

Connect with future environmental professionals at the annual UW Environmental Career Fair, which attracts hundreds of students and recent alumni from a range of environmental fields and disciplines. Whether you are building your contact list for future hires, recruiting interns or hiring right now, come share your organization’s professional opportunities. Annually over 400 students graduate from the UW College of the Environment with degrees in the following areas:

  • Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
  • Atmospheric Sciences
  • Bioresource Science and Engineering
  • Earth and Space Sciences
  • Environmental Science and Terrestrial Resource Management
  • Environmental Studies
  • Marine and Environmental Affairs
  • Oceanography

Employer registration for the 2018 Environmental Career Fair has closed, but space may become available. Contact envjobs@uw.edu to request to be added to the employer waiting list.