We hope you will come celebrate exciting new happenings at the Longhouse! You’re warmly invited to a gathering on Tuesday 17 April, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, to come see the brand new Fiber Arts Studio, celebrate the elevation of Indigenous Arts & Education to an Evergreen vice president’s position, meet artists, and enjoy good food, singing, drumming and dancing. We really hope that you and your family can join us. We’re deeply appreciative of the President’s office and the Provost’s office for making this event possible.
The event is free, but we’d appreciate if you could RSVP: please reply to this email (longhouse@evergreen.edu) or call 360.867.6718.
If you’re on Facebook and would like to share the invitation with others, our event page is at: https://www.facebook.com/events/2290198084331051/
Please park in Lot B – if you need closer parking for physical accommodations, please contact Buffy at longhouse@evergreen.edu or 360.867.6718 and we’ll make the arrangements.
We look forward to seeing you!