Job Type: Full-time

About NatureBridge

Founded in 1971, NatureBridge provides environmental science programs for students in the world’s best classrooms—our national parks. Our mission is to connect young people to the wonder and science of the natural world, igniting self-discovery and inspiring stewardship of our planet. As the largest residential education partner of the National Park Service, NatureBridge serves more than 30,000 students and their teachers each year in six national parks. In order to further our mission, NatureBridge is committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion and to promoting equal opportunity for students and staff in the field of environmental education. We strive to diversify our workforce and seek applications by individuals from all backgrounds, abilities, cultures, orientations, identities, and communities. For more information, visit: is external)

Multi-Campus Environmental Science Educators 

This is a multi-campus Environmental Science Educator position beginning in April 2019, ending in November 2019. Educators work at Prince William Forest Park in Virginia for the spring season, transfer to the Golden Gate campus in California for the summer, then return to Prince William Forest Park for the fall season. This is an ideal position for experienced educators wishing to expand their knowledge and skill set, work and live in two culturally and ecologically different places, and work within the National Park system. Compensation includes housing, some meals, financial assistance in transferring campuses, and benefits.

NatureBridge Environmental Science Educators are skilled professionals with significant post-undergraduate experience and training in environmental education content, curricula, and pedagogy. At Prince William Forest Park, educators teach 3-day, hands-on outdoor environmental science education programs to students from Virginia and Washington DC. Educators work primarily with 5th and 7th graders. At Golden Gate Coastal Camp, educators teach 5-day camp sessions, working primarily with 1st-3rd graders. Coastal Camp combines marine and coastal ecology themes with hands-on educational activities and games in a day camp setting.

Tentative 2019 dates are as follows:

  • Spring season (Prince William, VA): April 1st – June 6th
  • Summer season (Golden Gate, CA): June 10th  – August 16th
  • Fall season (Prince William, VA): September 2nd – November 7th

Please view the following document: click here(link is external) to view a complete job description, including qualifications.

How to Apply:

Please view the complete job description before submitting your materials. 

Priority application deadline is Monday, October 22nd, 2018. Applications will be accepted after Oct. 22nd on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Please direct questions and inquiries about open positions to Rae Parks, Mid-Atlantic Program Manager, at the following email: sends e-mail).

A complete applications consists of:

  • A cover letter describing why you want to work for NatureBridge at Prince William Forest Park and Golden Gate Coastal Camp
  • Your current resume
  • Contact information for three references

When your materials are complete, please apply using the online application form at the website: is external)

Contact Name:

Rae Parks