Please see the following website for full job posting and application link:
The Healthy Homes, Healthy Neighborhoods program addresses big challenges on a small scale, one neighborhood at a time. Based in the City of Tacoma’s Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability, an AmeriCorps member coordinates various partner programs and leads a team of interns to bundle and deliver eco-friendly resources to an underserved community. At its core, the program acknowledges two simple truths: that what’s good for a home can also be good for the environment, and also that achieving environmental outcomes we want ultimately depends on the everyday actions of everyday citizens. So, program teams use facetime with residents, through door-to-door “knock-and-talk” conversations, community-organized meetings, and neighborhood events, to meet them “where they are at” and customize sustainable solutions that offer multiple benefits. Through intensive engagement, program teams tailor communications to emphasize that adopting eco-friendly behaviors not only benefits our health and community, but our wallets, too. The AmeriCorps member informs residents about a range of sustainability topics and resources, made possible through direct coordination with local non-profits, private businesses, and governmental and non-governmental organizations. Competitive applicants must demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills; have experience in event planning and community engagement; understand a range of sustainability topics; work well in a team and independently; display maturity and awareness necessary for a leadership role; be able to balance strategic vision with attention to details; and possess confidence and self-motivation.
Member Duties : The AmeriCorps member (program coordinator) will lead a team of interns in intensive sustainability outreach in a Tacoma neighborhood. By working with partner organizations, the program coordinator prepares an outreach campaign that addresses quality of life and environmental sustainability priorities. Existing partner resources are leveraged to enable and motivate residents to adopt eco-friendly behaviors. The program coordinator conducts intensive community engagement through door-to-door conversations, community meetings, and will be in charge of planning 3-4 community events. The program uses community feedback to develop events that address local interests and concerns. The program coordinator informs citizens about a range of sustainability topics, including: general City of Tacoma services, local air quality, household energy conservation, waste disposal, active and public transportation, natural yard care and gardening, urban forestry.
Program Benefits : Training, Education award upon successful completion of service, Bus/Transit Pass, Health Coverage, Stipend, Childcare assistance if eligible
Terms :
Car recommended, Permits working at another job during off hours, Permits attendance at school during off hours
Service Areas :
Neighborhood Revitalization, Environment, Community Outreach
Skills :
Social Services, Team Work, Environment, Community Organization, Communications, Public Speaking, Leadership
Accepting Applications: 10/29/2018 – 02/16/2019