January 29, 2019 – 8:30 AM
United Churches
110th East 11th Ave, Olympia

During Lobby Day, you’ll attend issue briefings, learn how to lobby, hear from environmental champions, and meet face-to-face with your elected officials to advance the Environmental Priorities Coalition’s 2019 priorities.  RSVP here.

Join the Environmental Priorities Coalition and hundreds of activists to push for key environmental legislation in Olympia on January 29th!  During lobby day, you will team up with other activists to speak up for the environment and gain the skills to be a persuasive constituent.

For the 2019 legislative session, the Environmental Priorities Coalition adopted four priorities essential for healthy communities and a thriving environment:

  1. 100% clean electricity,
  2. Orca emergency response,
  3. Oil spill prevention, and
  4. Reducing plastic pollution.

You can learn more about our priorities here.

Join us on January 29th to ask your legislator to support these key priorities!