Now’s the time to register for Planning Effective Projects which will be held at Ecology’s Central Regional Office in Yakima (Union Gap) on April 3-4, from 9 am – 5 pm. The cost is $150 and includes all materials and a catered lunch on both days. This class  is taught by experts from NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management and has received very high marks. If you have a project in the works, this class will help you get there much more smoothly! Here are a few comments from past participants:

“This training opened my eyes to the ‘human’ aspect of my project.”

“The class was a great balance of group activities, lecture, and individual activity. This is a topic that has the potential to be dry but the instructors did an excellent job of keeping us engaged and making everything relevant.”

“I really appreciated moving through the logic model and taking the time to brainstorm and articulate the outcomes and outputs. This allowed me to make a lot of progress in planning my project!”

CoastalTraining Program | Padilla Bay NERR | Department of Ecology

360-428-1075 ||