Executive Director- Applications Due August 2, 2019 at 4:30 pm

The Thurston Conservation District seeks to hire a full-time Executive Director. The Executive Director provides the leadership and vision to implement the mission and values of the District as defined by the Board of Supervisors and coordinates all aspects of the District’s work. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which incorporate a collaborative style, are essential for managing the organization and advocating and promoting sustainable conservation interests. A keen awareness of organizational, community and political dynamics will also be necessary in this role. Equally important will be sensitivity and empathy for all stakeholders, both large and small, who have a vested interest in the goals of the District. Solid administration and management skills are necessary to ensure smooth operational continuity within this small, diversified organization. A high level of integrity, honesty, and professionalism are critical core values required in this role.

The ideal candidate will have a strong working knowledge of conservation districts, conservation practices and regional environmental issues, particularly within the Puget Sound area. A strong understanding of budgets, finance, grant procurement and program administration, and experience in sustaining and engaging regional partners are absolute requirements, as well as an ability to oversee day-to-day operations. This position requires a proven track record of successfully working with a Board of Supervisors and other elected and/or appointed officials, in addition to cultivating a team of professionals to excel in program delivery is required. This includes working with the Thurston County Board of County Commissioners and staff.  The Executive Director will have a record of previous results demonstrating the ability to adhere to the mission of the District while leading the Thurston Conservation District into the future.

Full job description and application instructions here.