Would you like to learn about an effective bipartisan climate bill at the federal level?  One that would more than meet the Paris Greenhouse Gas Reduction goals and the recommendations by the last IPCC report? Would you like to earn a scholarship to attend a conference about the bill and how to advocate for bipartisan climate policies and help make climate a bridge issue?

Apply for Citizen Climate Lobby (CCL) November 2019 scholarship!

The requirement for the November 2019 scholarship is a short essay sent via e-mail to Sabrina.fu@citizensclimatelobby.org that addresses the following questions:

(1)  Why do you want to attend this conference?  Please be specific and share one specific reason aligned with what will occur at the conference.

(2)  What is the time commitment you can give for this conference?  Be specific about time you can get to our events and how long you can stay each day.

(3)  Share your commitment to having a diverse set of voices to pass lasting bipartisan climate legislation.

This essay is due October 15, 2019 and should be e-mailed to Sabrina Fu at sabrina.fu@citizensclimatelobby.org with the title “November Conference and Lobby Day Scholarships”


The conference is November 11-12, 2019.

November 11 is our own education/workshop/networking day at the Omni Shoreham and November 12 is Citizens’ Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. See more at: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/november-lobby-day-2019/

The scholarship consists of tuition for the conference plus $50 to help with travel.  We also try to help with carpool, have local hosts near DC to stay for free, and information about low cost hostels such as High Roads Hostel:


Check out DC Homestay at: http://tinyurl.com/y4lm6cuq

Sabrina will get back to each person who applies within days of the application. She will be doing this on a rolling basis so the earlier you submit your essay, the sooner you will know if you have earned it.  Please pass this information to all the people you know who want to get involved with civic engagement and policy making but have not been able to!