Olympia Green Drinks is gathering on Wednesday, October 2, at Well 80 Brewhouse (map) from 5:00 -7:00 p.m.
- Thurston Conservation District will be there to share information about Orca Recovery Day, volunteer opportunities, education programs, and technical assistance available to the community.
- Come when you can, for as long as you can: This is a casual social event so you can come for 5 minutes or stay for 3 hours.
- Bring a friend! All people and perspectives are welcome.
- Feel free to share your own announcements, calls for volunteers, etc. at 6pm.
- No need to RSVP, but it helps the organizer plan how many folks to expect: https://www.facebook.com/events/887724701596324/
- What is Olympia Green Drinks? https://olympiagreendrinks.org/