October 5, 2019 – 9 AM
New Holly Gathering Hall
7054 32nd Avenue South, Seattle

Join us to build bridges between communities, organizations, generations, and ideas for a just and sustainable future. Facebook event. Get tickets.

Listen, connect, and envision collaborative action to protect our common home!

Come help us find answers to:

  • What does environmental (in)justice look like?
  • How can we join together to collaborate on climate solutions?
  • What can YOU do?
  • What does your version of a just and sustainable future look like?

Learn and contribute your ideas to the conversation! We will focus on environmental justice and the youth response to climate change. There will be interactive speakers and local groups to network and learn from.

Keynote Speaker

James Rasmussen – Duwamish Tribal Council member for 26 years and former Executive Director for the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition. James has been an active voice in environmental, habitat, and community issues along the Duwamish River and in the region for 30+ years. One of his primary concerns in this role has been elevating those most impacted by climate justice: low-income community members, people of color, youth and elders.

Other Speakers

Adam Goodman and Kunal Sinha, Sustainability Club, Overlake School – Climate Perspectives From Generation Z

Luke Henkel, Laudato Si Generation – Spiritual Interconnectedness in the Era of Climate Change

Emily Nielsen and Sadie Lopez, Sustainable Student Action (Seattle University) – Fossil Fuel Divestment

Clif Swiggett, Board Member, Carbon WA – Carbon Pricing – Necessary or Unfair?

Megan Smith, Director of Climate and Energy Initiatives, King County – Envisioning the Future

Hear from the present and future climate leaders, network with the non-profits committed to improve the environment and the society, share your inputs to the local government leaders, and build bridges!

The event begins at 9 AM with registration and coffee.

Tickets can be bought via Eventbrite or at availability basis at the door. For those who can financially support our event, there are two tickets priced at $20 (Full support) and $10 (Partial support). We are committed to make tickets accessible to all despite their financial situation, so there are free ticket options available with an optional donation at the event to offset our expenses.

By Citizens’ Climate Lobby