The dual challenges of economic development and transition to a low-carbon energy future make clean energy access the quintessential challenge of the 21st century. Access to affordable energy is particularly important to meet the needs of those at the base of the economic and social pyramid. Based on the complexity of energy access, bold actions are required to eradicate energy poverty (UN Sustainable Development Goal 7) in order to unlock the potential for economic empowerment by 2030.


The webinar presents the main issues, ideas and solutions discussed in the IEEE September 2019 Proceedings Special issues ” Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities”. University of Waterloo’s Professor Jatin Nathwani will open the webinar with a synopsis of the policy and social issues associated with energy access. Berkeley’s Professor Dan Kammen of the University of California, Berkeley, will review the various aspects of data relevance and requirements, as well as planning approaches and tools to facilitate electricity access. Finally, Professor Claudio Cañizares from the Univeristy of Waterloo will discuss some of the examples and deployments addressing electricity access in various regions of the world introduced in the special issue. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session with the panellists.

 Claudio Cañizares Jatin Nathwani Daniel Kammen
University of Waterloo (Canada) University of Waterloo (Canada) University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Date: Friday October 18, 2019 Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Registration is FREE:

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