Webinar announcement

Can transforming global energy and transportation in the 2020’s get us on the path to climate stabilization by 2030? How can you and your campus join a national project to educate over 100,000 students about the potential of solar energy and civic action to help solve climate change? On April 7, 2020, hundreds of campuses will participate in 52 state-wide webinars about solar dominance.

To learn more, please join us for a webinar Solve Climate by 2030: Solar Dominance + Civic Action.

When: Thursday, October 31, 2019

Time: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 pm MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET

Presenters: Eban Goodstein and David Blockstein, Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Bard College

Registration deadline: Monday, October 29

A nationwide series of campus and community Power Dialogs will educate students about Power as clean energy, but also about Power as engaged citizen action. Dialogs will spotlight how transforming global energy and transportation in the 2020’s will get us on the path to climate stabilization by 2030. What would a clean energy revolution deliver on green jobs, access to reliable power, improved environmental quality and health and more accessible transportation? Can a just and fair transition be achieved? What can students and others do on their campuses and in their cities and states to help drive this change?

The webinar is organized by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT), which sponsors a comprehensive webinar series that is sure to be your one-stop-shop for strengthening work in Earth education. The webinars provide opportunities for you to learn from your peers, as well as experts, and are designed to provide ample opportunity for discussion and interaction. The NAGT webinar series is free and we encourage you to invite your colleagues to attend.