I’m recruiting a new PhD student to begin in fall 2020. The student will work with me on a project focused on what makes policy advocacy strategies effective in Minnesota environmental policy, and will be funded for a minimum of 3 years through a mixture of teaching and research assistantships. A detailed description is available here:   https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforrestfleischman.weebly.com%2Fuploads%2F8%2F5%2F4%2F1%2F8541898%2Ffleischman-ra-2020.pdf&data=02%7C01%7Cmes%40EVERGREEN.EDU%7C03567dfc3306496f956108d75bd971df%7C22adcff7c06f49a68f2050711c40ddaa%7C0%7C1%7C637078861795014201&sdata=WbdHekqoqGlmYxySKoRo2qTJ2pAdXcgQIQ3jGIjZmD0%3D&reserved=0

I would appreciate it if you would share this in your networks. My ideal student would be someone with experience working in policy advocacy and an interest in pursuing scholarly work that built on that experience and would, in the long run, aim to improve advocacy practice through research. Maybe you have students or colleagues in the policy world who would be interested in pursuing this kind of research? Send them my way (or more precisely, ask them to follow the instructions in the linked document to contact me).

Thanks for passing this along.





Forrest Fleischman

Assistant Professor

Department of Forest Resources

University of Minnesota
