Here is an opportunity for us to organize more effectively about the
climate, alternative energy, etc.:

People who have taken my series of 6 workshops on Nonviolent Grassroots
Organizing have found them inspiring, informative and practical. I want to
offer them again in NOV-DEC or in early 2020.

Would YOU be interested in taking them? Could you provide a location for 6
to 10 persons to meet?

See the flyer at this post on my blog:

For EVERY issue you care about (peace, climate, economics, democracy, social
justice, human rights, etc.), the REAL SOLUTIONS will come when people
organize nonviolently and strategically at the grassroots.

ALL OF US – new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between –
can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can
make more progress in working on our issues.

I am offering my excellent series of SIX PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS on Nonviolent
Grassroots Organizing. Could we schedule them for NOV-DEC and again in
early 2020? We could do this in the Olympia WA area or perhaps also in
other locations.

Six consecutive Saturday mornings have worked well for people in the past,
but I’m also open to six weeknights or six Sundays. Each session runs for
two enjoyable hours. Alternatively we could conduct two back-to-back
sessions on each of three weekend days with a short break between the

It works just fine if the combination of participants (preferably 6 to 10
persons) care about different issues, but I could offer this for
participants who all care about the same issue (e.g., all for the climate,
or all for economic justice, or all for immigrant rights).

I volunteer my time and mileage. I provide many excellent handouts, so if
we average $15 per person I can break even on my printing costs.

–> WHO COULD PROVIDE A FREE SPACE (e.g., a large living room or a meeting
room in a faith community)?

–> WHO WOULD WANT TO BE NOTIFIED when we have decided on the dates and

Please see information on the flyer I attached to this e-mail, and SIGN UP

Questions? Phone me at (360) 491-9093 or e-mail me at