The Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership is hiring an Executive Director. The Executive Director is the chief operating officer for the organization and Executive leads a team of highly-experienced professionals. The Executive Director works with a dedicated Board of Directors to develop and articulate the mission, vision, goals, and values of the organization and create the structure, policies, and procedures necessary to achieve the mission of the Estuary Partnership as a National Estuary Program. The Estuary Partnership works in a range of land use, water quality, habitat, and community programs.

The successful candidate will bring experience leading a natural resources organization or agency that includes environmental education and community engagement, managing multi-million-dollar budgets with public and private funding, and experience building diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The Executive Director will provide consistent leadership and continue to build strong teams to support employees, Board members, and partners. The Executive Director will creatively implement current objectives and lead the organization into its next 25 years.

To see the full posting description, visit the front page of our website:

Application Due:  Midnight Thursday February 13, 2020

Members from all communities are encouraged to apply.
Please pass along this great opportunity.

Doug Kreuzer
Restoration Ecologist
Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership
811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410
Portland, OR 97204