Climate Science on Tap (Online) will be bringing experts to a moderated panel discussion on “how to communicate facts and respond to falsehoods” a week from tomorrow.  Register to join the discussion, bring questions for the Q&A. Register on Stranger Tickets and follow Facebook event on Cascadia Climate Action and Climate Science on onTap
Date:  Thursday, April 23rd at 7:00 pm
Where: Online Zoom Conference Call – Note: Meeting ID and password will be provided to all who register on Stranger Tickets.  Our friends at Peddler Brewing and Flying Bike are offering discounts on Beer to Go for CSonTap fans/attendees the week of the event with a discount code provided only to those who get tickets.
Event Description:
Can we be savvy consumers of climate information? How do we have more productive conversations about climate change? And what about getting that curmudgeonly relative to accept the science? Join our panel for a Climate Science on Tap – Online as we discuss best practices for assessing information about climate change and tips for talking about it with others. Listen to riveting presentations! Engage in an online Q & A and learn how you can be a better communicator – this CSoT is certain to get folks talking!
  • John Cook,** Ph.D., Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University*
  • Heidi Roop, Ph.D., Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington*
  • Jevin West,*** Ph.D., Center for an Informed Public, University of Washington*
Moderator:  P. Sean McDonald, Ph.D. Program on the Environment, University of Washington*
* Affiliations for identification purposes only.  Speakers are not representing their institutions.
** To purchase John Cook’s brand new book Cranky Uncle v Climate Change through a small local brick and mortar bookshop you can order it here!  Watch for the sequel coming soon – Cranky Uncle v Climate Solutions!
*** Jevin West’s Calling Bullshit: Skepticism in a Data-Driven World can be preordered in hardback or for Kindle. 
P.S.  As you well know, this is a tenuous time for small nonprofits and for the climate movement. Anything you can pitch in will go a long way to support Cascadia Climate Action’s climate outreach programs.  We have a $5 and $10 options for tickets, as well as a free ticket or this link to donate any amount.  Thanks for what you can add, but the bottom line is to get informed, get involved and take some climate action! You can donate to us here through our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, CascadiaNow!
Visit the CCA website to check the Climate Events Calendar for one of the upcoming climate events, meetings, webinars and more that interests you. You can subscribe to the Cascadia Climate Action UpDate (right sidebar) newsletter to hear about a variety of upcoming climate events. The CCA Team puts in an enormous number of many volunteer hours to help the Cascadia community join  actions and activities that will reverse the crisis of climate change.  Together we can do it!