Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference goes virtual
This month, what was planned as an inspiring in-person event in Vancouver, BC was re-imagined at the last minute by conference organizers and held live but virtually over two days and made accessible to all who were interested. Thankfully, those COVID-19 social distancing requirements that prevented bringing people together in the same space didn’t keep participants from connecting and sharing – it was a lively and engaging event that was trending at #3 on Twitter at one point.

If anything, the enthusiasm for the Salish Sea was even more apparent. Northwest Straits Commission staffer Dana Oster’s presentation, Monitoring Salish Sea bull kelp via kayak surveys, on day two reached an estimated audience of 800 participants! It was a great opportunity to reach more people, and a more diverse audience, than would have been possible at an in-person event.

The Zoom sessions will be posted to the conference website soon. Other presentations that didn’t fit into the limited schedule this month, including projects of the local Marine Resources Committees, may be available online, and conference organizers are considering another day of virtual presentations.

Many thanks to the conference organizers for rising to the challenge and ensuring that the Salish Sea community stayed connected while we’re apart! Click here to explore the presentations available online.