Share Your Expertise at NCSE 2021

January 5–8, 2021 | Virtual Conference

The planet is witnessing extreme drought and extreme rainfall, rising seas and sinking land, and warming oceans and shifting fish stocks. Emergent disease, migration, water scarcity, displacement, food insecurity, and uncertaintythese are the social and economic consequences of a global ecosystem under pressure.

The NCSE 2021 Annual Conference will take a systems-approach to heat and water during this time of change examining both impacts and solutions. NCSE 2021 will be a virtual conference that will explore the links between the changes in Earth’s physical systems and its social institutions. For 20 years, NCSE Annual Conferences have convened more than 600 leaders from science, education, government, policy, business, and civil society to advance science and solutions across these sectors.

Submit a proposal to present at NCSE 2021 by July 10, 2020, to showcase your research and work and exemplify how science can lead the way to informed decision-making and durable policies.


Submit by July 10, 2020

NCSE seeks proposals for 50-minute concurrent sessionsfive-minute flash talks, and poster presentations across five priority focus areas:

HEAT: How are the pressures of extreme heat changing where people live and how they work?

WATER: How are water scarcity and rising temperatures altering what crops can thrive, which will have ripple effects for the global food system?

SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS: How will markets respond to new challenges and to innovation at the leading edge of change?

SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES: How can we incorporate changing ecological systems into social and political institutions?

COVID-19 IN CONTEXTHow is the pandemic amplifying the impact of environmental stressors, transforming the higher education landscape, and influencing the role of science in decision- making?