When:     7:00 pm, Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Where:    Orca Books
(509 East 4th Avenue, Olympia — Phone 360.352.0123)

See Below

Our topic in June is Polar Bears, Ice Dependence and Other Stories.

Using images from the polar regions, Dr. Dean Gushee will lead us in a conversation on the importance of sea ice to those ecosystems. While media coverage often begins and ends with a statement that ‘sea ice has no impact on sea level,’ Dr. Gushee will discuss how sea ice supports a wide range of animals that includes not only charismatic mega fauna, such as polar bears, but lesser known and equally important animals. Images will help illustrate what is at risk in these regions. The effects of sea ice change is a natural segue to the broader discussion on global climate change.

Dr. Dean Gushee, MD, MS, FACEP, is a physician and photographer whose photographs of his expedition to Antarctica have appeared in the National Geographic magazine.


We are taking a break in July and August, but will be back in September.
We wish you a safe and enjoyable summer.