Sponsored by: Northwest Certified Forestry

MORE INFO: Hannah Yourd: 360-316-9319, hannah@nnrg.org

May 20-21st, 2011

The Nature Conservancy’s Ellsworth Creek Preserve
Long Beach, WA

Friday 9:00 am – Saturday 2:00 pm


Kirk Hanson

Northwest Certified Forestry

Mike Sterner
Sterner Resources, LLC

Tom Kollasch
Willapa Program Director

Tentative Schedule:


9:00 Introduction to Northwest Certified Forestry and FSC certification

10:00 FSC certification standards for small woodland owners

12-12:30 Lunch Break

2:30 Current markets for FSC wood products

3:30 FSC Chain-of-custody policies and procedures


9:00 FSC field assessment

12-12:30 Lunch Break

2:00 Adjourn