When:     7:00 pm, Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Where:    Orca Books
(509 East 4th Avenue, Olympia — Phone 360.352.0123)

Our October topic is My Vacation Photos from Saturn.

See Below

The Cassini spacecraft has been in orbit around Saturn for eight years now. In that time, it has discovered small moons, jets of water vapor emerging from Enceladus, hydrocarbon dunes and lakes on Titan, and dozens of other surprising things. It has also acquired tens of thousands of images, many of them jaw-droppingly beautiful as well as scientifically amazing. Our speaker, John Weiss, worked on Cassini’s imaging team, studying the rings and helping to plan observations. He will take us on a tour of some of his favorite discoveries and vistas from the mission so far, visiting the major landmarks in the Saturn system along the way.

Dr. John Weiss is Assistant Professor of Physics at St. Martin’s University.

November Topic:  The Effect of Climate Change on Coffee by Bob Benck, Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters