Hi EETAC! As part of our 20th anniversary celebration voyages, People For Puget Sound is offering a one-night, two day voyage from Tacoma to Olympia on Adventuress for $300 (food included) with an over-night anchorage in the newly established Nisqually Reach Aquatic Reserve. You’ve probably been following the news that we are just a week away from launching the first leg of Sound Voyage: 2011. Kathy Fletcher will introduce Tom Bancroft to South Sound waters, partners, and issues with receptions in Tacoma on Saturday, April 30 and Olympia on Monday, May 2. This will be a unique and memorable opportunity to be out on the water aboard the historic schooner, Adventuress, with plenty of time to reminisce with Kathy and catch the ear of Tom, our new Executive Director.

For the 2-day Nisqually anchorage, contact Elaine Heim at People For Puget Sound (206.382.7007 or eheim@pugetsound.org ).