Wednesday, Nov 6th


See Below

We have a great speaker line up for the November 6th,  Lightning Talks on Marine & Ocean Research program at the Seattle Aquarium (6:30 – 9:00pm). Come and support your fellow scientists as they give short (Lightning format) presentations on their research and engage with them afterwards in a Q & A reception. Cash bar and light refreshments will be available. Tickets purchased ahead of time at are $5; $10 at the door.


Lightning Talk Speakers:


Heather Galindo: Scientist Engagement in the Modern World



Christopher Krembs: Shifting Nutrient Ratios & Phytoplankton Biomass – Implications for Puget Sound

Washington Department of Ecology


Miles Logsdon: Marine GIS-Advances in Seafloor Mapping and In-Water Column Acoustics

University of Washington School of Oceanography


Shawn Larson: Sea Otters

Seattle Aquarium


Orlay Johnson: Why Did the Salmon Cross the Road?  Genetics of Chum Salmon

NOAA Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center


Paul Hillman: The Science Behind Harbor Seal Monitoring in Puget Sound.

NOAA Fisheries Ocean Media Center


Julie Keister: Ocean Acidification

University of Washington, School of Oceanography, Washington Sea Grant


Robert Pacunski: Using ROVs to Conduct Visual Surveys of Groundfish and Habitat in Puget Sound

Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife


Vera Trainer: Harmful Algal Blooms

NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center


Merrill Rudd: The Importance of Fisheries Stock Assessment

University of Washington School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences


Lynne Barre: Orcas

NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region