Saturday, Dec. 7th, 11am-4pm

at Portland Avenue Community Center, 3513 E Portland Ave. Tacoma, WA 

$10 – $40 Sliding Scale Donation

See Below

A study of fungal social interplay, uncovering layers of spaces to encourage healthy mushroom societies in soils and trees. A wide range of edible mushrooms, mycorrhizal applications, and mushroom habitat zones will be covered.

This will be the beginning of our outdoor mushroom cultivation in Tacoma’s Food forest at Swan Creek Park on Tacoma’s East side. Though this applies to myroforestry, cultivation concepts can be used in other contexts, as well. Learning how to cultivate mushrooms for food, medicine and mycroremediation gives a rounded view on how to manage and benefit from the direct environments at hand.

Workshop will be lead by Fungi for the People founder Ja Schindler, and though part will take place in the food forest itself, the class portion will be indoors at the Portland Ave. Community Center.