Lecture Hall 3, Evergreen State College
7:00 – 8:00 PM

The Marine Life Program is pleased to announce a guest lecture open to the campus “Evolution of Climate Change Resilience inAmerican Samoan Corals”

After leaving Evergreen in 2001, Dan completed his Ph.D. at the University of
Hawaii at Manoa and is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the
Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Dan’s research focuses on
the physiological responses of a population of back-reef corals in American
Samoa that routinely survive temperatures thought to cause bleaching and
mortality in most other areas. If we can understand how this particular group of
corals is able to survive these extreme exposures, then we can start to identify
other populations of corals that may be best adapted to survive future stresses
caused by climate change.