The Clean Energy Committee is hiring a student Chair for the 2011-12 academic year. This is the coordinator position for the the committee. This student should expect to work at least 10-15 hours a week and will be provided a stipend of $1368 per quarter. The Chair will manage meetings, ensuring that everyone has a reasonable chance to contribute. This student should be able to listen to and understand a wide range of views, present information clearly and concisely, get clarification of relevant points, and enabling the committee to make effective decisions.  The Chair will be responsible for the following duties (although in some cases these may be delegated to/shared with other committee members):

* Manage the direction of the committee
* Ensure that committee decisions align with the mission, values and bylaws
* Plan and conduct meetings, including writing an agenda
* Check that decisions made during meetings are implemented
* Represent the committee in the community and at public events
* Hold regular office hours
* Recruit grant proposals
* Assist applicants with the grant application process
* Review applications for suitability
* Produce and sign award letters for approved proposals
* Recruit new committee members
* Ensure that new members receive training to perform their duties
* Manage the committee e-mail account
* Act as a liaison for the Evergreen and surrounding community
* Provide general support for students interested in the committee

The skills needed for the Chair are:

* Experience in leadership positions
* Experience with group decision making
* Facilitation skills
* Tact and diplomacy
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Impartiality and fairness
* Comfortable delegating tasks to committee members

If you are interested, please submit a cover letter, resume, and letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation can also be delivered in-person if you are selected for an interview. The deadline for applications is Monday, May 16 by 5:00 pm. This student will be expected to begin training before the end of Spring quarter and attend the final committee meeting this year.

For more information about the Clean Energy Committee, please see our website:

Or join us at the annual Clean Energy Fair (an event during the Synergy Conference) to see the projects that we have funded and enjoy bicycle-powered music:

Please direct any questions me at