Headline Event for this week:


Thursday, July 24:  Volunteer Event on the Kaiser Wetland with Vic’s Pizza!

(Olympia west side)  Join Capitol Land Trust at the Kaiser Preserve near Evergreen State College, as we clear out non-native blackberries and English ivy to make room for future habitat-restoration plantings.  If beating back blackberries and ivy is not enough of an incentive for you, Vic’s Pizza is donating scrumptious pizzas to fuel our efforts!  No experience is required.  We will provide tools and gloves.  We will be there from 10 am to 5 pm—arrive when you can and stay as long as you are able.  Please let us know you are coming and when, so we have enough tools, gloves, snacks . . . and pizza!.  To RSVP, email or call Yen at info@capitollandtrust.org or (360)943-3012.