Do you know any students who may be interested in a job opportunity that involves promoting alternative transportation on campus?  The job is meant to help our Evergreen community choose alternatives to driving alone and arrange quarterly campus events to promote alternatives, as well as updating the and Parking Services web pages. There will be opportunities to interact with the campus community and the Olympia community in order to promote alternatives to driving alone! The job pays $10/hour and has a flexible work schedule with up to 19 hours/week available.  If you hear of anyone looking for work with marketing and web skills, as well as very motivated to help Evergreen move toward our carbon neutral goals, please send them my way for a job application!

Thank you!

Susie Seip

Parking Supervisor

Employee Transportation Coordinator

The Evergreen State College

Sem 1 Room 2160

Olympia, WA  98505

(360) 867-6131