POSITION DESCRIPTION – Student Interns (two positions) Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician 1 and Technician 2 May 22, 2017.  Positions open until filled.

Project Duration

June-August, 2017 (approximately 8 weeks, or until all funds are spent) Part-time, 20 to 40 hours/week The GIS Technician 1 and GIS Technician 2 positions will work as partners to develop schedules and share tasks to ensure that all tasks will be completed by the end of the project period. Location

Yamhill County Public Works Department/Oregon State University Extension Service Building 2050 and 2060 Lafayette Avenue, McMinnville, Oregon 97128 Salary

GIS Technician 1 – $16.00/hour GIS Technician 2 – $18.00/hour Supervisors

Susan Aldrich-Markham, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University John Phelan, Director, Yamhill County Public Works Department Project Overview

Yamhill County Public Works Department (YCPW) has recently initiated the GIS Roadside Vegetation Inventory in order to collect georeferenced data on significant features within roadside rights-of-way. These features include Native Plants, Invasive Plants, Erosion, and Optimal Vegetation.  The Roadside Vegetation Inventory is part of the implementation of the Yamhill County Roadside Vegetation Management Plan adopted in February 2016.

The data is managed using Esri’s ArcGIS software. Data is collected using a Trimble Juno 5B GPS handheld computer with ArcPad and transferred into ArcMap on a desktop computer using ArcPad Data Manager.  It is regularly uploaded to the larger Yamhill County ArcGIS database.  The GIS Roadside Vegetation Inventory database is currently in the testing phase.  It will need to be revised over the project period in order to more completely capture significant attributes that YCPW can use to make roadside vegetation management decisions.  The data collection procedure and the performance of database on the Trimble GPS will need to be optimized. Requirements

Access to ArcGIS through the OSU or Linfield College student site license Personal vehicle (mileage will be reimbursed at $0.54 per mile) Tasks – GIS Technician 1 and Technician 2 will cooperate as partners on most tasks.

Collect data along Yamhill County roadside rights-of-way using the Trimble Juno 5B GPS. Data will be collected at times from a moving vehicle and at times by walking.  Generally two people will collect data, with one person driving and one person handling the GPS.  Other drivers may be the supervisor Susan Aldrich-Markham, a member of the Yamhill County Public Works Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Advisory Committee, a member of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, or other knowledgeable person.

Take photos of significant features in the field and link these to georeferenced locations.

Transfer the data regularly to a desktop computer at the ArcGIS license site(s) and maintain the data in ArcMap.

Make archived data available as shapefiles for upload to the Yamhill County ArcGIS database.

Create maps and analyze the data in ArcMap. Create PowerPoint slides of these displays using screen shots of the maps and overlays, analysis, and photos from the field.  The purpose is to highlight significant native plant populations for protection, invasive plant populations for control, and erosion sites for restoration.  The slide show(s) will be used for educational purposes by YCPW and OSU Extension, including posting to the Web and presentations to YCPW committees, County Commissioners, adjacent landowners, and the public. Submit a brief Report of Accomplishments and a claim for mileage reimbursement every two weeks.

As a team, write a Final Report and present a PowerPoint slide show to the YCPW Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Advisory Committee. Tasks requiring more advanced skills – GIS Technician 2 will carry out these tasks in the most efficient manner.  Some tasks may involve training the GIS Technician 1 to assist.

Revise the database, as data collection proceeds, by adding and removing features and attributes. Correct any performance problems in the current database and/or create a new database if necessary.  Consult with supervisor Susan Aldrich-Markham on revisions.

Optimize the performance of the database on the Trimble Juno 5B. Qualifications

  1. Training in and ability to use Esri’s ArcGIS programs, including ArcPad, ArcPad Data Manager, ArcMap, and ArcCatalogue. GIS Technician 1 position requires one college-level course in GIS. GIS Technician 2 position requires a minimum of two college-level courses in GIS. Additional field experience is desirable.
  2. Ability to work independently and manage time in order to complete all tasks by the end of the project period, including the final report and presentation to the Roadside Vegetation Management Technical Advisory Committee.
  3. Training in agriculture, botany, or natural resources. Additional field experience is desirable.
  4. Interest in native plants and invasive plants. Ability to recognize common Willamette Valley species of native and invasive plants.

To Apply

Submit a letter explaining why you are interested in the position and outlining your qualifications. Specifically address each of the four qualifications listed.  Include a list of appropriate courses taken in GIS and agriculture, botany or natural resources.  Submit at least one letter of recommendation.

Email application letters to: Catherine Lindberg, YCPW, lindbergc@co.yamhill.or.us.  Selected candidates will be interviewed in person on a mutually agreed-on date.