Climate Lobby Day 1/22: Sign-Up Here! 

As we outlined in our legislative analysis, the upcoming session isn’t a slam-dunk for climate action. The Democrats will need to prove they can lead on this issue; and the Republicans will need to come to the table with some ideas of their own. CarbonWA’s legislative committee has been taking meetings with both parties in pursuit of climate action. Our board member Greg Rock was just with House Republican floor leader JT Wilcox discussing the role of forests and rural communities in sequestering carbon (check out their Facebook Live video here!).


This year we are partnering with Audubon Washington, Climate Solutions, Environment Washington and others to hold a joint lobby day in support of a price on carbon, 100% clean electricity, and transportation solutions.


Sign up here to join the climate lobby day in person on January 22nd. The $10 fee covers the room and lunch – email us if you want to come but the fee is a challenge for you. If you can’t come in person you can still call your legislators on the 22nd to make an impact and support our effort.