Washington Climate Leadership Summit

When: February 10th, 2018

Where: Smart Building Center, 1200 12th Ave S

             Training and Event Space, 1st Floor North (across from FanStart Cafe)

             Seattle, WA 98144             

Time: 9 am – 6 pm

RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/washclimatesummit

Please RSVP as soon as possible if you plan to attend the summit!

This year, Washington will be the first state in the country to pass equitable, science-based climate policy and we need an army of concerned young people to make sure that it happens! Join us for a day of workshops and trainings about climate justice and climate policy. This summit will explicitly examine the intersections between climate change, racial justice, and economic equality. Learn concrete steps that you can take after the summit to make sure Washington redirects fossil fuel money toward renewable energies, frontline communities, and just transition workers.

Participants have the opportunity to receive a Climate Leadership Certification from Our Climate. Food will be provided and Our Climate can assist with transportation. This event is free and open to anyone ages 18-25. Email sabrina@ourclimate.us if you have questions or would like to help recruit young people in your area to attend the summit.