Title: Research meets policy: The relevance of COP24 climate negotiations for research and vice versa.

Description: How does climate negotiations affect research agenda? How relevant are research and economic modelling for guiding climate negotiations? What were the main outcomes of the COP24 climate summit?  What are the economic and employment implications of a ’21st Century Growth’ based on a sustainable development path?

Presenting: The New Climate Economy (2018): Unlocking the inclusive growth story of the 21st century: accelerating climate action in urgent times.

Date: Tuesday 29th January 2019 | 4 pm – 5 pm (CET, UTC+1)

Speaker details:

  • Helen Mountford, Vice President for Climate and Economics at the World Resource Institute and Program Director for the New Climate Economy (NCE) project.
  • William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu, Manager for Mitigation and Transparency Support Sub-programme of the UNFCCC Secretariat.

Learning Outcomes:

  • How do climate negotiations affect research agenda and how relevant are research and economic modelling for guiding climate negotiations?
  • Which were the main outcomes of the COP24 climate summit?
  • What are the economic and employment implications of a ‘21st Century Growth’ based on a sustainable development path?

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