October 31, 2019 – 9 AM


Free webinar about effectively engaging stakeholders both outside and within your organization in conversations about climate change and how to mainstream that information using an Enterprise Risk Management framework. Register here.

Sponsored by the Antioch University Center for Climate Preparedness & Community Resilience

Abby Sullivan, from the Climate Change Adaptation Program at the Philadelphia Water Department, will discuss communication and engagement best practices using evidence-based strategies. She will look at specific barriers to communicating and mainstreaming climate change information and provide resources and case studies with tested tools and solutions.

Alison Adams, a Principal Engineer with INTERA Incorporated, is a water resources engineer focused on water supply planning and resiliency projects. She will discuss her work as a consultant to the Southern Nevada Water Authority to help them to incorporate climate change information into existing programs and processes to reduce enterprise-wide risks.

The Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERM) looks holistically at risks across the utility, including new and emerging risks from climate change and the ways climate change could exacerbate existing risks. The Enterprise Risk Management framework creates a governance structure that ensures risks like climate change are mainstreamed and addressed throughout the entire organization.

Water Utility Climate Alliance: Abby and Alison both have experience with the Water Utility Climate Alliance, a group comprised of 12 of the nation’s largest water utilities with a mission to collaboratively advance water utility climate change adaptation. Alison, in her previous role working for Tampa Bay Water, was the Chair of WUCA from 2014 to 2016. The Philadelphia Water Department joined WUCA in 2016, making Abby one of the newest members of the WUCA family. You can learn more about WUCA here: https://www.wucaonline.org/

WEATHERING CHANGE: Local Solutions for Strong Communities is a webinar series presented by Antioch University New England, in partnership with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

For more information, or to view recordings of past webinars. visit our website: www.communityresilience-center.org

Sponsored by the Antioch University Center for Climate Preparedness & Community Resilience

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