Sustainability Curriculum Consortium webinar

Thursday, October 31, 2019
3:00 PM Eastern/Noon Pacific

“What’s the Deal with the Green New Deal?” A Guide for Faculty



Jeremy Symons
Symons Public Affairs

Mark Trexler
The Climatographers


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This webinar is intended to provide faculty with a better understanding of the context for Green New Deal resolution introduced in Congress by presenting an “inside the beltway” perspective on its genesis and potential impact.  Jeremy Symons will provide an overview of the Green New Deal resolution and the key players.  He will offer a snapshot of the state of play on the Hill in both the House and the Senate, as well as in the run-up to the 2020 Presidential election.  Earlier this year, Jeremy moderated a briefing to Congressional staff in which he, Ira Feldman and Alan Horowitz linked the content of the Green New Deal proposal to the sustainability policy discussion in the US.  See Ira’s op-ed in The Hill as background: <>.

Building on Jeremy’s remarks, Mark Trexler will focus on the identification of resources for faculty on the Green New Deal and sustainability via The Climate Web ™ platform.  Mark has been inventorying and organizing climate change education materials on the web.  The Climate Web ™ is the product of >20,000 hours of crowd-sourcing and curating knowledge from thousands of experts to support understanding of and responding to climate change. It is a collective climate change intelligence. <>.  From the listings for hundreds of relevant websites, organizations, and resources, and links to online courses, videos and text modules, Mark will guide attendees to those resources most relevant to the Green New Deal without having to reinvent the pedagogical wheel.  He will show how teachers can actually get desktop access to these resources for much easier and customizable knowledge work and delivery.

Jeremy Symons is a writer, strategist, and consultant on the environment and politics.  As the Principal of Symons Public Affairs, he works with clients to deliver high-impact, pragmatic solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems.  He is a frequent advocate in the media for environmental progress and have debated issues across a wide variety of news programming, such as The O’Reilly Factor and News Hour.  Previously, as Vice President of Political Affairs at Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Jeremy led teams that successfully advanced policy solutions to protect public health and the environment from global climate change, air pollution and other threats. Prior to joining EDF in 2013, he served as Deputy Staff Director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, as part of the Senate Democrats’ leadership team on a range of environmental issues and nominations.  At National Wildlife Federation, he was Senior Vice President for Conservation and Education.  Early in his career, Jeremy worked at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Jeremy serves on the Advisory Board of Zoetic Global, which brings renewable energy to communities in Africa and he has served on the Board of Directors of the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation and as co-chair of the Board of the US Climate Action Network.  He holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University and a BA in Environmental Studies from Brown University.  Jeremy applies his 20+ years’ experience in energy and environmental policy, government affairs, media communications and executive non-profit management to protect a healthy, livable planet for future generations.

Dr. Mark Trexler has more than 30 years of regulatory and energy policy experience, and has advised clients around the world on climate change risk and risk management for more than 25 years. Mark joined the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC in 1988, where he worked on the first carbon offset project, the CARE Agroforestry Project in Guatemala. He founded Trexler Climate + Energy Services (TC+ES) in 1991, working extensively with electric sector and other energy clients, as well as with governmental and NGO clients, on risk mitigation and adaptation strategies, including the development of a wide range of climate change decision-support tools such as carbon market models and carbon offset quality scoring systems. Mark directed EcoSecurities’ Global Consulting Services Group from 2007-2009 after EcoSecurities acquired TC+ES, and was Director of Climate Risk for the global risk management firm of Det Norske Veritas from 2009-2012. He is widely published on business risk management topics surrounding climate change, including in the design and deployment of carbon markets. Mark has served as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and holds graduate degrees from the University of California at Berkeley.

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