Webinar – How do Policy Makers Access and Use Evidence to Address Complex Problems?


Wednesday, November 13, 2019 – 12:30 to 2:00 PM EST


REGISTER AT https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2303583914189825794


Science is foundational to life and the planet as we know it. Policymakers understand this, as do scientists. However, the boundary-spanning between policymakers and scientists does not come naturally. Given the current vulnerabilities faced by places, people, ecosystems, and markets, it is essential to create more opportunities for policymakers and scientists to work effectively together. The dynamic tension created by the “pull” of policy and the “push” of science to be more relevant can create more durable and productive policies, while also facilitating stronger relationships between the scientific and decision-making communities.


In advance of the National Council for Science and the Environment 2020 Annual Conference on Science in Environmental Decision-Making, this webinar will explore examples shared by policymakers and scientists that demonstrate how evidence can more effectively serve decision-making.


Join the National Council for Science and the Environment, The School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, and SSF to explore opportunities for innovative governance structures at the science-policy interface.


Panelists include:


-Melanie Stansbury, Legislator in the New Mexico House of Representatives (HD-28) -Jeffery Warren, Research Director, North Carolina Policy Collaboratory -Daniel Sarewitz, Co-Director, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University -Diana Epstein, OMB Evidence Team Lead, White House Office of Management and Budget (Invited) -Erica Goldman, National Council for Science and the Environment (moderator)