Webinar – Sacred Rivers Carbon Project: Rivers as the nexus to reverse climate change at scale and advance social justice Thursday, November 7, 2019 – 1:15 to 2:15 PM EDT


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The Sacred Rivers Carbon Project utilizes Hivemind’s cutting edge mycelium technology, to create carbon banks within critical watersheds throughout Southeast Asia. These sites can help reverse catastrophic climate change and also prevent habitat and biodiversity loss, clean up air and water pollution, and provide local economic development that create jobs and can empower women. The projects will be sustained and scaled through the sale of carbon credits.


Join the Security and Sustainability Forum for an one-hour discussion with Hivemind and Sacred Rivers CEO Joseph Kelly, VP of Marketing Kylie Brown, and arborist Michael McCord about their regenerative agriculture work in Southeast Asia, the benefits planned for the local population and funding needed to launch the program at three pilot sites in 2019. Joseph will also update us on the HiveMind’s business development since he was last on an SSF program in the Spring.


If you’re interested in getting advanced information about the Sacred River Carbon Project investment opportunity, please email Joseph for details: josephkelly@beetechhive.com


REGISTER AT https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1963145427982188034