When: 7:00 PM, Wednesday, November 6th 2019
Where: Lacey Timberland Library Meeting Room
Speaker: Dr. Megan Friesen
Topic: Sensory ecology and conservation of seabirds
Seabirds live in extreme environments. After leaving their nests, they spend the majority of their lives on the vast open ocean, coming to shore only to breed. Some seabirds also exhibit unique behaviors like monogamy, colonial nesting, and even nocturnality. Join us as Dr. Megan Friesen of Saint Martin’s University shares research investigating the complexities and evolution of their sensory systems and how an understanding of their sensory perception can be used for conservation.
Megan Friesen has researched seabird conservation and sensory adaptations for the last 10 years. She completed her PhD on seabird sensory acuity and evolution at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and has worked on many islands throughout the South Pacific Ocean, and North and Central America.
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