Coming up at the Washington Stormwater Center on November 15th

Stormwater, Land Use and Planning through NEMO: Non-point Education for Municipal and local Officials
Morning workshop will highlight programs developed by other states in the national NEMO network and include a presentation from Washington Department of Ecology on using a watershed framework for planning and development and the optional afternoon session is to create NEMO Washington.


Be part of a national stormwater network

The afternoon session will focus on the creation of NEMO Washington and joining 31 other states in this national network.

What is this national NEMO network?

The National NEMO Network is a confederation of programs in 31 states dedicated to protecting natural resources through better land use and planning. Each program is patterned after the original NEMO Program developed at the University of Connecticut, but adapted to reflect each state’s unique character, priorities, geography, and issues. These programs have joined together of their own accord to create a unique national network that is sharing information, educational methods and technical tools across state and agency lines. Read more on the NEMO website


This workshop is free but registration is required for this event. Light refreshments will be served. Please bring a brown bag lunch if you will be staying for the afternoon planning session. Register now.



WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center D.F. Allmendinger Center 2606 West Pioneer Puyallup, WA 98371


November 15th, 2011 @ 9 am – 12:00 Noon. Afternoon planning session 1:15 pm – 4:00 pm.



Tanyalee Erwin at 253-445-4504.