Call for Papers “Discover Sustainability” – Special Issue: Educational Leadership for Sustainable Development
Guest Editors: Dzintra Iliško (Daugavpils University, Latvia), Elizabeth Price (Manchester Metropolitan University) Madhavi Venkatesan (Northeastern University)

Description: The new journal “Discover Sustainability” is calling for papers for a special issue titled “Educational
Leadership for Sustainable Development”. Since the journal is fully open access, there are fees (the so-called Article Processing Charges /APCs) to be paid. These
are usually paid out of research grants,  of by the departments/faculties where the authors work. The fees mean that the articles are freely available and can be
downloaded, copied, re-sent and cited, without  any barriers or restrictions. The details are here:

The special issue “Educational Leadership for Sustainable Development” is focused on the role of education leadership in enabling and facilitating sustainability.
The editors seek contributions that address bounded rationality, informational asymmetry, and or cognitive dissonance with respect to how individuals
acknowledge or understand their relationship with sustainability. The focus on education leadership is inclusive of formal and informal channels.
Submissions may include case studies, research reviews, theoretical framing, and empirical assessment (see “Final paper submissions” below).
Submissions are expected to address one or more of the following themes:

•    Information access in attaining sustainability
•    Cognitive dissonance, information asymmetries and sustainability traction
•    Cultural perceptions and sustainability attainment
•    Establishing stakeholder engagement to promote sustainability
•    Education across formal and informal channels and student outcomes toward sustainability
•    Parental socialization, family dynamics and sustainability perceptions in children
•    Passive sustainability and behavioral adoption from institutional design
•    Grassroots movements and sustainability education
•    Relationship between understanding the intent of sustainability focused regulation and outcomes of public policy
•    Leading transformations towards sustainable futures
•    Maintaining a sustainability agenda through crisis situations

Keywords: formal education, informal education, sustainability, community organizations, grassroots movements, information asymmetry, bounded rationality,
cognitive dissonance, culture, leadership.

We may accept papers that meet any of the following criteria:

a) Research Paper: A research paper is a novel theoretical or empirical contribution specific to the special issue themes.
b) Research Reviews: A research review is a detailed review of the literature related to a special issue theme. A research review
submision will provide perspective and or further insight with respect to the theme addressed.
c) Case studies: A case study is a novel example or application related to one of the special issue themes. The purpose of a case study
is to provide a replicable or accessible example to readers of this special issue.

Abstract Submission Process:
Abstracts may be submitted for consideration from now and until 30th September 2020. Abstracts should be up to 250
words and should include the title and category of the contribution, along with the names and full contact details of all
Abstracts should be mailed to all three co-editors:;; by 30th
September 2020. Please ensure  that you reference “Discover Sustainability Abstract Submission” in the subject line of your email. Potential authors
will normally be notified of the status of their abstract within two weeks of submission. Notification of an accepted abstract
will be accompanied with  guidance on proceeding with the full draft of the paper.

Final paper submissions:
For accepted abstracts, full papers will be due by February 1, 2021 Final submissions should follow the style guidelines provided
on the Journal’s website under “Submission Guidelines” (see “Instructions for Authors”). Papers are expected to be a
minimum of 6,000 words and a maximim of 7,000 words, excluding references. An early submission is encouraged. Following peer review,
accepted papers will be posted immediately online. Special “Certificates of Publication” will be issued to all accepted papers,
which authors may add to their CVs. These will be useful for promotion and tenure purposes.