The legislature has convened.  Is there hope for the environmental agenda or will bad things happen? Come to Green Drinks and share your knowledge on the subject.
WHAT:    Green Drinks
WHEN:    February 2nd, 5:30-7:30pm
WHERE:  Ballyhoo Irish Pub  (316 Schmidt Place SW, Tumwater) It is across from the |
former Olympia Brewery on Curtis
WHY:      Because if you care about the environment and want to meet
like-minded folks … join us for a glass of beer or wine.

To receive updates via email, contact the coordinator at (Please add this email address to your addressbook to make certain these announcements don’t go to your SPAM folder.)

There are no programs at Green Drinks eg, no one will talk at you for a half hour.  Green Drinks is just a way to get acquainted with folks who share common values.

Some suggestions that people have given to make Green Drinks more effective:

o Bring a business card, so we can remember you.
o Bring materials about the work you do; pamphlets, articles, events, info, campaign stuff.
o For people already sitting at the tables, don’t be shy–move around from table to  table to take
advantage of the plethora of people and views.
o Most importantly, if you see someone lingering, welcome them into your discussion!!!

Questions? Email Sam at: