Ecology in a Connected World A Vision for a “Network of Networks”

Deb Peters, Lead Principal Investigator, Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research Project

Thursday, March 1, 2012, 6-7:30; Sem 2, A 1105

Third of the 2011-12 PLATO Royalty Lecture Series on Environmental Observatories

 Theme for the series:  Environmental observatories, and networks of observatories, and indeed networks of networks of Observatories, are a relatively new phenomenon for environmental science.  These observatories are charged with collecting data, often at great cost, that will enable scientists and other stakeholders to better understand grand challenge environmental problems, including global climate change, species loss, resource depletion, etc. However, issues facing the observatories involve more than those relevant to the environmental sciences, and fall into the realms of computer science, software engineering, the political and social sciences.