Money in Politics/Corruption in Congress, Thursday – March 29th
Olympia Center Rm 205
222 Columbia St NW, Olympia
light refreshments at 5:30; presentation begins at 6:00 pm.

*Reclaiming authentic democracy for people,*
*Overturn Citizens United with a Constitutional amendment, *
*Establish public financing of campaigns, *
*and similar fundamental reforms.*

*Presenter:* Craig Salins, Executive Director, Washington Public Campaigns

5:30 – 6:00 light refreshments
6:00 – 7:30 Part I.
7:30 – 7:45 Break
7:45 – 9:00 Part II

*Workshop Goal:*
Develop a confident understanding of the issues and strategies for change,
sufficient to talk with neighbors and co-workers and to make a presentation
to groups.

*Agenda / Topics:*
I. Trends in campaign finance and spending:
What’s broken and how did it happen.

II. Supreme Court rulings: Corporations with “personhood” rights,
“Money is Speech” and unlimited contributions.
Impact on campaign spending and elections

III. Fixes and Solutions:
Clearing judicial roadblocks / Constitutional amendment to
overturn Citizens United, et al /
Public financing of Campaigns / Reining in $-fueled lobbying, and
media propaganda /
Voting rights for all; trustworthy vote-counting; and related

IV. Organizing for change:
Policy goals, strategies, and message / Assembling a campaign
network for sustained work /
Connecting the dots for grassroots and public support / Outreach
and strategies
Specific organizing means and methods.

V. Next Steps

For more information contact: Monica Hoover
To Register / RSVP to: or
Recommended donation: sliding scale $0 – $15 to cover materials, supplies
and room rental.