Come one, come all, come together –  learn how to Solarize our community!

Thurston Energy has brought you trusted information on becoming Energy Efficient, now it’s time to Solarize Thurston!

We’re bringing Northwest SEED (Sustainable Energy for Economic Development) to town to explain a proven process for getting communities, neighborhoods and groups together to make getting solar panels on your home and business affordable, easy and fun!

Attend the Solarize Thurston Interest Meeting at the Olympia Timberland Library, Saturday April 7th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.  Meeting is free with no commitments required.

See if this is something you’d like to share with your neighborhood association, faith community, community group, business association or other group so that your members can work together to get the best prices and practical solutions for solar.

Call to RSVP: Annette Roth, 360.754.6320 or email:

Feel free to pass this email along.