You might be interested in learning how to build a sense of place in your neighborhood, or leading your own project, by attending this informational social, April 15, 2 – 4pm, @ Mixx 96 Conference Room. 2nd Annual Village Building Convergence in Olympia.

Find out more information and connect with people in your community! Have an idea for a placemaking project in your community? Interested in getting involved with the core planning group? Come to the Village Social to become a part of this one of a kind movement!

This year we are excited to feature projects across the Olympia community; painting intersections, building benches and community gathering places, installing gardens and whatever else you can imagine to make your neighborhoods more beautiful, personalized and conducive to community.

Last year, we completed several projects focused on The Downtown Commons – the land between Fertile Ground and the Guild Ecohouse. We repainted the intersection mandala, constructed a community gate with a sunburst urbanite patio, maintained the gardens, hosted events with workshops and entertainment, and shared meals with our friends and volunteers. We also included a project in the Northeast neighborhood installing a biodynamic flowform fountain.

The Village Building Convergence has been sparking placemaking projects in Portland for over a decade, and we are making it a tradition up in Olympia as well. This year the OlyVBC will be August 21-26, with our grand finale tying into the Love Our Local Fest in the Northeast neighborhood.