Student Aid Position

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis for Environmental Studies

MES 1st Year Spring Core

Hiring Contacts:

Judy Cushing 360-867-6652

Kathleen Saul 360-867-6716

We wish to hire a student aid, preferably an MES student who will: attend the two classes and labs each week (~8 hrs), complete labs written by the faculty prior to each class and provide feedback to us (4 hrs), conduct at least one help session per week for students (2-3 hrs).

Hours per week:  up to 15

Duration:  11 weeks, about one week before spring quarter (March 21) until Week 10 (June 3)

Pay:  $12-15/hour

Qualifications (Required):

1.       Prior successful coursework in statistics

2.       Information technology expertise (statistical packages:  excel, Windows file manipulations)

3.       Recommendation from faculty

4.       Good communication skills

Qualifications (Highly Desirable):

1.       Information technology expertise (statistical packages:  R, MacIntosh, data and file management)

2.       Experience analyzing ecological or environmental or scientific data

3.       Teaching or Lab Aid Experience.

The primarily educational benefits are 1) reaffirmation of the student’s prior knowledge of the subject matter – quantitative (statistical) and qualitative analysis of ecological hypotheses, 2) mastery of the R statistical analysis package, and 3) better understanding of the design of ecological experiments.

In addition, the student aid will strengthen:  1) one-on-one communication skills of technical material by having to explain concepts to other students and giving written feedback to faculty and students; and 2) organizational, time management, and leadership skills (e.g., serving as the “go to” person for questions about course material; making oneself available to students, completing labs and getting feedback to faculty in a timely manner prior to class, scheduling time to work with students outside of class to assist them in completing assignments on time, being relied upon by others to provide responsible help.