November 14th

Call for GIS Day posters and presentations are due by Oct 29th .  This is a great opportunity to get some visibility on your organization’s GIS “in-action” and share your experience, successes, challenges, and visions with your peers from other State and Federal organizations, as well as, local government.   We would appreciate it if you would strongly consider showcasing examples your GIS applications or products by contributing to one of the following:  1) provide a short presentation, or  2) provide a map/poster, informal demo or pre-recorded (auto-transition) slideshow.    The Capitol Building has a wireless network with connections to the internet and can be utilized for live demos, as part of either your presentation or poster session.    If you have posters or slideshows that you would like to display, but can’t attend the festivities in person, please state in the notice of intent, that you’ll need someone in Olympia to help you out.

We hope you’ll choose to participate.    Please distribute this email and call for poster/presentations to other GIS colleagues that you feel may be interested in participating.