Helena Meyer-Knapp

Member of the Faculty- The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA USA

Helena Meyer-Knapp


December 29th, 2015 · No Comments · Mercy and Amnesty in Postwar Justice

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are icons not just in relations between Japan and the USA but also around the world.

From the point of view of this study, several things stand out.

a bomb domeOne is that the Hiroshima dome seen as a representation of war is very well known.







By contrast Nagasaki’s iconic centerpiece is a statue in honor of peace is hardly known at all outside Japan.peace man

The human story in Nagasaki centers on Dr. Nagai and his unstinting care for the victims. Ironically, due to cloud cover, the US hypocenter of the attack in Nagasaki was over the Christian area, severely damaging the Cathedral.


The message about the reasons for the A-bomb attacks differs between the two places as well.

In Hiroshima, 360º film loop emphasizes the airplane and bombing run, with powerful images of the American pilots grinning and the terrible mushroom cloud rising. P1080831Ironically, of course, they are using film originally taken by US officials but the effect does not suggest either serious concern or wonder. Under the film is a 3D plan of the area flattened by the bombing. One is left with a sense of US callousness.

In Nagasaki, considerable focus rests on the decision-making process leading up to the bombing.IMGA0531 Japan’s role receives attention, going all the way back to the beginning of the war in Asia, not just to the combat with the USA.

This information is juxtaposed with the various interpretations which explain the US decision to drop the bombs.reason for bombs

Later on in the exhibition considerable attention goes to attempts to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons, to the roles of other countries and ultimately to Eisenhower’s regretful comments.



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