ASPA Student Representative Needed

Attention Current MPA Students: Are you interested in building your resume, increasing your professional network, and gaining leadership experience? Then please apply to serve as a student representative on the Board of Directors of our regional ASPA chapter. To learn more about ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) and our Evergreen Chapter, please go to our website at:

If you are interested in serving as a student representative, please e-mail me your current resume and a one page statement about why you want to serve on the Board of Directors.

Due: January 28th by 5:00pm

This is a volunteer, unpaid, position. One student representative will be selected from each of the MPA programs in Western WA.

Amy Gould, Ph.D. mail stop: Sem II A 2117: office: Sem II D2106: phone: 360-867-6135