Senate Concurs on 2010 Operating Supplemental Budget…Budget Heads to Governor

Just after 10:00 pm the Senate concurred on the House amended version of the 2010 supplemental operating budget  (SB 6444) with a vote of 25-21.

The 2010 supplemental operating budget implements a multi-pronged approach to remedying the $2.8 billion state budget shortfall this biennium. The Legislature reduced funding for state programs and services by $755 million and incorporated approximately $618 million of approved/anticipated additional federal relief to Washington State.

The budget transfers $461 million from various funds to increase General Fund-State resources. The Legislature is also expected to pass legislation that will raise $794 million in new revenues.

The impact of the 2010 supplemental budget passed by the House on Evergreen is both positive and negative. The budget secures funding for student aid while at the same time reduces the College’s budget by over $1.2 million and makes further cuts through compensation reduction related-actions.

The 2010 supplemental operating budget bill now goes to the Governor for her signature.